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Xi'an Jinrui Int'l Trading Co., Ltd.

  • Country: China
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  • Tel: +86-(29)-88490350
  • Fax: +86-(29)-88470009
  • Introduce:

    Profile: Xi'an Jinrui Int'l Trading Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and supplier of natural ingredients. Our monomer ingredients include silybin, 5-HTP, huperzine-A, synephrine and sinomenine. We offer herbal extracts such as powdered extracts of angelicae, citrus aurantium, epimedium, grape seed, ginseng, green tea, ginkgo biloba, olive leaf, pomergranate and white willow bark. We also supply epimedium, ginseng, horsetail, ginger, cnidium, elecampane, skullcap, white kidney bean and eucommia bark powders.

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