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Beijing Rundeyongfa Chemical Product Co.,Ltd

  • Country: China
  • Province/state: Shandong
  • City: Zibo
  • Tel: 86-533-8168897
  • Fax: 86-0533-8168897
  • Introduce: Beijing Rundeyongfa Chemical Product Co.,Ltd was built in 2009. It is a high technology company combining of manufacture, research, selling, and foreign trade. The products range from inorganic, organic, and fine chemical industry, to flavors and fragrances, food additives, medicine materials, as well as intermediate product. Our company is a first-leading corporation. It is one of the two hundred industry companies. We have rich materials and resources. The production and market are in the front rank of the same internal trades. The company has a good location, smooth traffic, very convenient for foreign trade and harbor transport.
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