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Parchem - Fine & Specialty Chemicals

  • Country: United States
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  • Tel: +1-(914)-654-6800, 800-282-3982
  • Fax: +1-(914)-654-6899
  • Introduce: Parchem ? Fine & Specialty Chemicals offers a wide range of products to all chemical industries including pharmaceutical, Nutrition, personal care, coatings, agrochemicals, flavor and fragrance, fine and specialty chemicals. We also provide distribution, import/export, logistics, custom and outsourcing services. Our product line comprises of chemicals, chelated minerals, oils, vitamins, gums, plasticizers as well as Dyes & intermediates such as alpha ketoglutaric acid, alpha lipoic acid, ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, beta carotene, beta carotene natural, betaine HCL USP, calcium ascorbate, chitosan, chondroitin sulfate, coral calcium, d-alpha tocopherols, d-alpha tocopheryl acetate, d-alpha tocopheryl acid succinate, D-biotin, dexpanthenol, DL-aspartic acid, DL-methionine, DL-panthenol, dl-phenylalanine and folic acid.

    We carry certified organic and non-organic natural flax seed products. All our flax seed products are Kosher certified. We offer a wide range of products to all chemical industries including pharmaceutical, nutrition, personal care, coatings, agrochemicals, flavor and fragrance, fine and specialty chemicals. Our flax seed flour has low carbs, high protein and is rich in essential fatty acids. It has no trans fats and is glutein free.

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