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Nanjing Qida International Trading Co., Ltd

  • Country: China
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  • Tel: +86-(25)-8646-0031
  • Fax: +86-(25)-8646-2151
  • Introduce:

    Profile: Nanjing Qida International Trading Co., Ltd - Click To Visit Our Website Nanjing Qida International Trading Co., Ltd is a professional supplier of Agrochemicals (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, plant growth regulators), Pharmaceuticals, food/feed additives and their intermediates.

    Quality: We provide stable products to our customers. Inferior crop protection products while not benefiting the farmer, can bring serious damage to the crop, the environment and hence the consumer.

    Packing: We provide excellent fitting reliable convenient packing with the highest regards to safety, material, design, printing and convenience. Packing heavily influences the sale since inferior packing can bring inconvenience or even worse results, during transportation and usage.

    Formulation: As opposed to EC, WP, we recommend you AS, EW, SL, SC, WG and other formulations, which can bring less harm to our environment and is safer to use. With our understanding of the environment being the base of our existing, we recommend using environment friendly agrochemical formulations.

    Transportation: We provide for efficient and speedy logistics. We understand that crop protection sales can be seasonal and are familiar with the process of chemical transportation.

    Technology Support: Last but not the least, we serve your personal needs by providing advice through a dedicated crop protection master.

    Agrochemicals | Pharmaceuticals | Veterinary | Food Additives | 

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